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Sandy Froman: Meet a Past NRA President

Sandy Froman was elected president of the NRA in 2005. Her leadership in programs for women and building the philantrhopic arm of NRA’s foundation left the organization better than ever, and Sandy remains an active advocate today.


Powerless Never Again

Sandy was home alone one night at her home in California when a burglar tried to break down her door. Terrified and defenseless, she could do nothing but call the police and hope for the best. Her prayers were answered as the would-be assailant finally fled the scene. Following that incident, Sandy vowed she would never be powerless again. The very next day, she headed to the gun store where she purchased a firearm and then trained to use it. Thanks to that one fateful night, Sandy Froman became a tireless advocate for our Second Amendment right-to-bear-arms freedoms. 


Grassroots Activist

Sandy’s newfound passion drove her to lend her skills as an attorney and a speaker to the Second Amendment cause, and she quickly became a formidable grassroots activist. In 1991, she spoke out for gun rights during a rally at the Arizona State Capitol—and then-NRA President Bob Corbin was in the crowd. He found her after the speech and urged her to run for NRA’s Board of Directors. She was elected to the board in 1992 with the highest number of confirmation votes ever received by a member of the board of directors.


NRA's Second Female President

In 2005, Sandy was elected president of the National Rifle Association. In her role, she strengthened her commitment to initiatives that supported women who desired to learn about and own firearms. After a trailblazing two-year term as president, Sandy’s effects on the NRA can still be felt to this day. Sandy’s leadership in programs for women and building the philanthropic arm of NRA’s foundation left the organization better than ever. Sandy has further protected the legacy of women’s participation in the NRA, and still is a champion for the right to keep and bear firearms for all Americans.

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Few causes have such a direct impact on our children, grandchildren and the future of our country as the Second Amendment. We invite you to join us as a woman, a leader and a keystone of America’s treasured legacy of freedom. Come be a part of the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum and help us shape the future!

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Women's Leadership Forum

The NRA Women’s Leadership Forum brings together philanthropic women who share a passion for protecting our cherished Second Amendment freedoms.